Hi I'm Erfan Paslar a programmer and web designer. I'm about old and study Computer Science Engineering at Shiraz University. I am interested in web developing and programming.
I've learned python about ago. I worked with some libraries like Pygame, Selenium, Requests, Turtle, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Django, OpenCV, scikit-learn, Eel, Telegram-bot, and ... .
I build my first website about ago and it just looked like late 90's website XD. I built about 12 other websites too.
I've learned PHP ago and wrote a complete Contact Management System website with pure PHP (in 2 months), you can join me there. I don't really like wordpress, and will learn laravel someday.
I've learned C, ago and wrote some projects. Currently I'm learning C++. Also I've done some project with C# ( just basics, Calculator stuff :D ).
I know java a little and currently learning.
I've started android studio ago and I
wrote some mobile apps too but i never uploaded them on playStore.
(not that i could)
There are some other languages that I worked know but I haven't
properly worked with them such as Assembly, Go, Verilog.
I also
worked with arduino too.